Exclusively sold on Amazon.com, FNN News is calling Nobility Training for Dummies “a book that will change the world!”
The book is a compilation
of hilarious Dear-Abby- like columns where over the years “readers” of Lord
Westover’s blog have written to ask him questions on “everyday” issues facing
them. The book also includes opinion columns and many more articles written by
or about His Grace.
(Note to Trogs: There are lots of pictures.)
A moving foreword by Manservant sets the tone for what is truly
a life changing read according to FNN book editor the Earl of Fulton.
“It should be required reading in every high school on
earth,” said His Earlship. “Lord Westover strips the boisterous American Trog
down to his naked nothingness and parades said Trog’s shame in biting and near
lyrical prose. I for one, shall never be the same having read Nobility Training
for Dummies.”
Indeed, Lord Westover so wants every American Trog to read
his book that “I have priced it at the cost of a Momma Celeste pizza,” stated
His Grace in a recent interview.
To obtain this life altering book go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B013J4PQMK .
All proceeds from the sales of Nobility Training for Dummies are donated to charity...obviously.
All proceeds from the sales of Nobility Training for Dummies are donated to charity...obviously.
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