Thursday, December 30, 2021

Friday, April 9, 2021

A Prince Among Princes

Heaven has gained a Noble Prince and we, here below, have lost a man of such impeccable character that it is truly hard to believe he will no longer be among us--living through his life the example of Duty to Country above all else. 

A loving husband and devoted father, Prince Philip, had he not been the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, would have been, under any life circumstance, a rock to those around him. 

His Royal Highness as the The Prince Consort, however, was blessed with the platforms of platforms to shine as an example to all of us as to what being a good and decent man means. He will be sorely missed. 

HRH The Prince Philip

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Queen of The World

The Westover-Fulton Post -- Just Be Noble: Queen of The World: How Queen Elizabeth II’s noble behavior has out shone the character of every British Monarch in the history of her nation and perhaps even t...

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Nobility for All Trogs!

Celebrate Lord Westover’s 10 year anniversary by being Noble!

By Robert Hudson Westover

Ten years ago this summer a noble star was born and His name is Lord Westover. His mission in life is to bring awareness that everyone has a noble star burning within us—even if we can’t see or feel it.

This idea of a noble super hero was birthed one day when I was about to jump out of my car to “engage” with a jerk who had nearly caused an accident by a very selfish act of stealing a parking space. I really wanted to give him a piece of my mind—in the tradition of being a Marine—but my ever wise husband, Tom, calmed me down immediately by saying “That guy's a jerk, but you need to calm down. You need to be a guardian of civilization not contribute to its unwinding.” 

His Grace, Lord Westover. Obviously.
Tom’s prophetic words stopped me in my tracks. Instead of potentially a loud verbal (or even physical confrontation) I simply said (a little loudly, admittedly) as I passed by the jerk-behaving person, “You almost caused an accident. It was really thoughtless of you.” I don’t know if he responded because we just drove on and I didn’t look back literally and figuratively. 

Now, with just that one admonition from Tom my mind went into PR mode and that day I developed the idea of  a “guardian of civilization” hence forth to be known as Lord Westover.

A few weeks later, sitting in my car at a traffic light in front of Washington D.C.’s massive Union Station, I read a quote inscribed into the granite exterior of the train station by James Russell Lowell. It reads “Be noble! and the nobleness that lies in other men, sleeping but never dead, Will rise in majesty to meet thine own.”

Thus was created Lord Westover’s manifesto of sorts or what His Grace titled the Nobility Oath. With this mission statement Lord Westover ventured out of his “vast estate” and began asking the world to take the Nobility Oath.

And many have…

So reflecting on over ten years of noble ambition and public awareness it thrills me to see my creation, Lord Westover, (or LW, as I call him, which does not please His Lordship one bit) reaching tens of thousands of, as LW would say, “Trogs” all over the world. 

Large national news media outlets including the Washington Post and the Christian Science Monitor have covered Lord Westover’s adventures. In fact, over 500,000 people have visited one or all of Lord Westover’s social media venues created to get out His Lordship’s message of the inner nobility in all of us.

Lord Westover's Best Selling "Royal"
instruction manual.
I chose to developed Lord Westover as a comedic performance art character simply because I feel humor can be one of the most profound ways to enlighten others. And along the way a “royal court” has developed with characters such as Manservant to His Grace, the Mysterious Lady K and the Earl of Fulton to help in spreading the Noble word. 

Members of Lord Westover's court sharing the
Nobility Oath with as many "Trogs" as possible.
(From left to right the Earl of Fulton,
the Mysterious Lady K and Lord Westover).
Over the years I have built a small non-profit multi-media entertainment group called Lord Westover Productions which includes videos, books, blogs and other forms of multi-media entertainment.

Lord Westover Productions' impromptu performance art shows have taken place at large national events including on The National Mall in Washington, DC as well as in other countries including Turkey, Australia and the United Kingdom. Lord Westover has even made appearances with Smokey Bear and sang to him on the fire prevention bear’s 75th Birthday!

At one point a Hollywood production company asked us to film a mini-pilot or “sizzle reel” for a possible reality show! That sizzle fizzled, but it’s sure a lot of fun to watch! (And you still can by clicking here!) I’m proud to say that I think it will go down in history as one of the worst sizzle reels--ever. No easy accomplishment for LW’s theater company!

One of the crowning moments of knowing your message is getting out there is to see that messaging being copied by large influencers. One day a friend sent me a picture of an ad in a DC metro station. It was for Gillette razors and was called "The Reformed Troglodyte". It was so obviously a Lord Westover-type message that I had to contact the producer of the commercial. And he confirmed, that yes, indeed, Lord Westover had inspired the Reformed Troglodyte ad campaign! 

So over the years His Grace, LW, has converted a lot of folks to reform from being short sighted narrow minded trogs to being Noble and seeing the Nobility in all of us. But His Lordship's Nobility campaign is far from over. In fact, it is more important than ever. By truly seeing Nobility in EVERYONE we can move to understand, forgive and trust one another. 

In my humble opinion, there is no other way to save civilization.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Lord Westover Wishing Smokey Bear a Splendid Happy 75th Birthday!

Click on the link below to hear His Lordship sing a haunting rendition (truly you will never forget it) of Happy Birthday to the world's most famous bear! 
His Grace, Lord Westover, has the voice of an angel...obviously.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Is a "Stunning" Abstract Portrait of Lord Westover to be Unveiled at the Louvre?

The Vast Estate - Rumors that the Louvre Museum in Paris plans to replace the Mona Lisa with a new abstract portrait of His Grace, Lord Westover, have been swirling in Noble circles for weeks. Indeed, as in all things, there is a modicum of truth...or not...obviously.

No, the famed Paris museum and its da Vinci will not be moved, however, new rumors are suggesting that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, plans to replace the official portrait of King George III in Buckingham Palace with the portrait of His Grace in caulk gleefully referred to has the "O, Lordie" by art aficionados.

His Lordship (and even manservant for that matter) could not be reached for comment...obviously.

The "O, Lordie" by courtier Lady Mary Horning

Monday, April 1, 2019

NEWS FLASH!!! Lord Westover Announces Run for the American Presidency

Campaign Slogan to Read: Make America a Monarchy…Again

The Vast Estate (Obviously) - In a turn of political events that is certain to stun Nobles and rattle Trogs all over the world, His Grace, Lord Westover, has officially announced his candidacy for President of the United States.

His Grace, Lord Westover, is accosted by media upon his
announcement to run for the American Presidency. (FNN Photo.)
The nobleman is not certain of his place of birth -- as when an infant he was kidnapped by a traveling carnival family -- thusly, having no official birth certificate, Lord Westover is neither an American nor a citizen of any other nation.

His Grace, Lord Westover. Obviously.
(FNN Photo)
“This noble 'nowhere land' puts His Lordship in a unique position to claim the American Constitution as a fraud on a technicality and become absolute monarch,” states Lord Westover’s Man of Legal Matters.

When asked which political party His Lordship would seek the nomination under, his Man of Legal Matters smirked then said, “Really, now... Don’t you think the Reigning House of Westover is enough?”

Asked about his “party” platform Man of Legal Matters quipped, “A platform strong enough to hold a very heavy gold and velvet throne…obviously.”

His Grace plans to issue a series of royal edicts over the following months which will clearly spell out who will bow and who will grovel before his presence. Additionally, secondary noble houses will be clarified.

The one certainty known at press time is that Manservant to His Grace will take the title of First Manservant…obviously.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


The Vast Estate (obviously) - To tragically accommodate the ever decreasing attention spans of troglodytes, His Grace, Lord Westover, has found it appropriate to more simplify the Nobility Oath. It is a move that can only be described as compassionate, amazing and beneficent (obviously).

Increasingly out of public view, Lord Westover
spends much of his time wondering the grounds
of The Vast Estates.
(Photo Credit: an inquisitive Trog)
"With Nobility Oath 2.0, now the most simple minded Trog can wrap his limited cognitive elasticity around the basic principles of being Noble," said His Lordship whilst starring off in the distance at the seeming boundlessness of the rolling hills of The Vast Estate, a wine glass in hand, with but a few drops of Merlot remaining, precariously dangling from his near limp fingers.

No further comment fell from His Lordship's lips.

Nobility Oath 2.0
I swear to stop behaving like a selfish jackass and start behaving like a Noble person. That means I will do good things like not be mean or cruel to others. I will not litter. I will not get drunk and pass out at friends' estates. I will not scream at other drivers even if I think they are stupid. I will stop gossiping behind people's backs even though it really makes me feel superior. I will weed and mow my lawn even though it is easy to pretend I leave it to go to seed out of environmental concerns. And, most importantly, I will stop pretending climate change is not induced by humans...including me. I do these things because despite the fact that I look like, act like and feel like a troglodyte I know in my heart that I am, as well as all others, a Noble human being deserving of respect despite all the evidence to the contrary. 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Lord Westover Advises Nancy Pelosi on Border Wall Negotiations

The Vast Estate - In the attached video His Grace, Lord Westover, pleads with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to give President Donald Trump a little money for his wall.

In this screen save Lord Westover holds aloft
 a "letter" 
from Donald Trump to Nancy Pelosi

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

O, Lord! Lord Westover is Back!

After years in splendid retirement Lord Westover has become quite concerned about the state of Democracy in America. In this video His Grace is, once again, attempting to bring sense to the Troglodytes who have brought their country to this most disturbing level of dissonance. His Lordship explains to a Trog viewing audience what exactly the word compromise means in real life situations. Lord Westover at moments seems to be holding back what he really feels about American Troglodytes but is far too gracious to really, in Trog parlance, "let it rip."

In this video Lord Westover attempts to explain to
American Trogs what the word compromise means. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

NEWS FLASH! Advanced copy of Time Magazine's Person of the Year leaked!

The Vast Estate (obviously) - In what sources of Time Magazine are calling one of the "worst" security breaches in their history, an "advanced" copy of it's yearly Person of the Year cover photo has been leaked to the press.

Upon hearing of the "leaked" cover photo Time's executives began, almost immediately, denying any involvement or connection "whatsoever" with the highly controversial cover image.

The magazine, which prides itself in "claiming" that it "doesn't know" who said person of the year will be until said "person" is selected "very soon before the end of any given year" is quite embarrassed by the incident (obviously).

The face that has launched a thousand controversies
[American Trogs, this is pronounced con-travisty]

The Vast Estate finds this pathetic we-are-so-shocked-and-in complete-disbelief-and-deny-all-knowledge-of-said-controversy rationale, well, rather difficult to believe.

"WE fairly firmly feel that the magazine was hacked by the same Chinese black opts military unit that kidnapped Lord Westover whilst he was on a tour of Australia and New Zealand in the winter of 2013--a tour we might add that was copied nearly city-by-city by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge only a few months later," stated Manservant to His Grace during a televised news conference from the Vast Estate.

Manservant then went on to mutter something under his breath that observers claim was something to the effect of "I wish those royals would stop imitating His Lordship..."

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Happy 90th Birthday Queen Elizabeth II!

His Grace, Lord Westover, wishes Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, a very happy 90th birthday--despite the fact that (yet again) His Lordship's invitation to the Queen's birthday party went "missing" in the Royal Mail Service.

A picture taken during "happier times" with Queen Elizabeth and Lord Westover. It is a relationship that Palace observers have always referred to as "odd" and "impossible". 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

2015's Most Noble Person of the Year Award!

The Vast Estate (obviously) - Lord Westover has announced the annual* Most Noble Person of the Year recognition for 2015. 

And the winner is… Every non-radicalized Muslim (in the world), obviously.

His Lordship’s somewhat curious departure from just naming one person was due in part to the harsh criticism peace loving Mohammedans are being confronted with as fundamentalists of their faith seek to reenact 7th Century tribal Bedouin norms on a modern world.

“Yes, I realize that at times the Prophet Mohammad acted out in very war-like ways, but his actions must be viewed from the perspective of the brutal life of the age in which he was born,” His Grace said whilst admiring his latest art acquisition, a bust of himself in marble (obviously). “It would make as much sense to emulate the Prophet’s more controversial militaristic actions today as it would be for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to imprison all of her adversaries and boil in oil the ones she likes least.”

Pictured above: Lord Westover and an the Earl of Fulton.
This photo is perhaps the one Mr. Trump refers to when he said
 "[Lord Westover is] all dressed up like a pretty little sultan."
Lord Westover went on to say (under his breath) that his last statement about the British Monarch’s ancient prerogative might not be a bad idea.

The world’s reaction to His Grace’s choice for Most Noble Person has been swift.

To. Say. The. Least.

American Presidential candidate’s reactions were rather painfully predicable with Hillary Clinton saying she had already give the peace-loving Islamic world this designation and Donald Trump demanded that Lord Westover “go back to the puny little estate you came from! You big noble looser!”  

Further investigation by FNN as substantiated that indeed Mrs. Clinton has never bestowed a "noble" persons award (on anyone) and, according to campaign sources, was having one of her "periodic-overlapping-fictional-memory lapses" for which she has apologized. 

However, Mr. Trump went on to say that he has a picture of Lord Westover dressed as an Ottoman sultan proving that his Lordship is a “Muslim sympathizer”.

“I have's terrible. All dressed up like pretty little sultan. Disgusting.... Believe me, it’s not pretty,” the billionaire real estate mogul said to a roaring crowd of thousands.

Hash Tag: #JustBeNoble

*Loyal followers of His Lordship’s every move might notice that there were no individuals recognized for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Noble person awards. According to His Grace this was due to a dearth of candidates (as well as the inconvenience of being held by Chinese nationals for over a year.) “So few in this world ruled by Trogs and it would be hardly appropriate to nominate myself or the Mysterious Lady K…” His Lordship said "off the record." 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lessons in Nobility - A Real Downton Abbey Story

"This Trog has written a fascinating book well worth the read!" Lord Westover, FNN

The Westover-Fulton Post -- Just Be Noble: Lessons in Nobility - A Real Downton Abbey Story: Now Available on Amazon   Who wouldn’t want a fairy godmother? They would lavish you with gifts, of course, but more importantly th...

Friday, December 11, 2015

A Christmas Story for All - The Forgotten History of “Gay” Santa

By His Grace, Lord Westover and the Earl of Fulton

Millions of children believe in Santa Claus, a mystical fat man who brings them presents, providing they are "good" (whatever that means), every Christmas. The fairy tale is loosely based on a true story of an actual man we know today as Saint Nicholas.

But what few of us are aware of is that “Jolly Old Saint Nick” had an Italian brother named Stefano or “Fabulous Saint Stefano”.

Found in the doll collection of Marie Antoinette,
this image of Gay Santa is thought by
historians to be the most accurate.
(The Lord Westover Collection, Obviously)  
History records Saint Stefano as the more flamboyant of the Claus siblings. Instead of breaking into homes and giving toys to children (in what seems a little odd for a stranger) Stefano brought the magic of fabulousness to all he encountered. And, most importantly, taught others to bring out their inner fabulousness—like your inner Nobility it's the gift that never stops giving!

In fact, the French Court of Louis XV so adored Stefano they began to refer to him as the (roughly translated) “Gay Santa”. But alas it was this adoration of the ruling French aristocratic class that was Gay Santa’s undoing.

Abandoning his prized position of robe designer in the Papal court to live at the Palace of Versailles, Stefano unwittingly found himself the ridicule of the Jacobin revolutionaries.

Gay Santa’s fabulousness, his pink silk-brocade-ermine-lined robes, meters long strands of pearls, diamond adored belts and his exquisitely manicured white flowing beard was just too much for the rough-hewed Jacobins, who, during the French Revolution, destroyed all images of Gay Santa and nearly erased him from history.

But the darkness and fear of ignorant minds could not keep the memory of Saint Stefano buried forever. Like the inner fabulousness (or Nobility) that dwells in all of us, the story of Gay Santa lives on!

A Very Merry Christmas from The Vast Estate! 
LW and EF