Friday, October 28, 2011

A Special Announcement from Lord Westover’s Vast Estate:

A Vast Estate (obviously) -- Today Queen Elizabeth, as head of state to the Commonwealth of Nations, has approved the succession of the first born child—either male or female—to  the centuries old British Throne.

His Grace, Lord Westover, gives a hearty “here, here” to such news. However, the next and obvious question is: When will Buckingham Palace (or world monarchies for that matter) accept the children of kidnapped nobles back into their fold? 

For those unaware of this highly emotional repatriation issue it is commonly known as the Noble Childhood Gypsy Abduction Reunification Movement (NOC GARM).

However, by publication time, Buckingham Palace had yet to get back to His Lordship on this pressing issue.

Their Graces, Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K
(both victims of horrific kidnappings by gypsies) await
response from Buckingham Palace on the issue of
Noble Childhood Gypsy Abduction Reunification

Monday, July 25, 2011

An Emergency Message from His Grace, Lord Westover, obviously

Debt ceiling crisis forces Lord Westover to petition Queen Elizabeth to seize former American colony

To Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Your Majesty, It has come to both my and the world’s attention that your former colony seems to be incapable of governing itself as the recent “debt ceiling” controversy has demonstrated, obviously.

Queen Elizabeth II with His Grace, Lord Westover
As was admonished by  Alexis de Tocqueville (a Cassandra for the American Republic if there ever where one!) once these American plebeians (trogs) figure out that they can essentially blackmail their elected representatives into doing whatever fool-hearted legislative whim they please, the great Republic will find itself ungovernable. This inability to govern took several hundred years, but it indeed seems to be happening now.

I have tried in vain to warn these Americans of the political trap of obsessive ideologies, but they have failed to listen—so deafened it seems by the din of their acrimony that they have abandoned all sense of unity—or common scene for that matter!

I dare say it rather feels like a civil war…

On one side you have a conservative ideology of little to no taxation. Yet every nation where taxation is low is either dysfunctional or oppressive.

On the other side you have a liberal ideology that says the government should take care of the needs of the poor without realistic accountability for abuse or excessive costs.

As your Majesty knows, I share a great deal of sympathy with these Americans as upon my abduction by gypsies, I was raised here (this is not intended to make you feel guilty). 

Consequently, the only hope I see for these politically dazed and ideologically confused Americans, is that you, Your Majesty, in your imperial splendor, should revoke their nationhood and assume control of their acrimonious government (at least for a few years).

And, perhaps, under your enlightened subjugation, these Americans will see how irresponsible it is to hold theirs and the world’s economy hostage as they haggle over ideology.

Devotedly submitted by your semi-subject,
Lord Westover

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1, 2011 is Inner Nobility Day! Celebrate the Nobility Oath!

The Nobility Oath

I swear by the nature of all things noble to be noble in all my ways of mannerism and interaction with other nobles and, yes, the masses too--obviously. Furthermore, I vow to have the majesty of my nobleness presented to all troglodytes in the serene hope that the nobility in them, though buried under a colossal pile of ignoble inklings and intents, shall rise in splendid regality to meet my own.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A special message from Their Graces

The attention being lavished on us during this joyous occasion for Prince William and Kate Middleton is completely unacceptable and must cease. We do adore our fans, but adoration need not diminish the attention that should be directed at the soon-to-be royal couple. Indeed, it should only enhance it.
Lovingly submitted,
Their Graces, Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Nobility Oath Day!

Their Grace's administer the Nobility Oath in this music video set to the haunting
theme of a Gypsy melody reminiscent of their sojourn whilst in Gypsy Captivitus.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Make the Nobility Oath Your New Years Resolution!

The Nobility Oath
I swear by the nature of all things noble to be noble in all my ways of mannerism and interaction with other nobles and, yes, the masses too--obviously. Furthermore, I vow to have the majesty of my nobleness presented to all troglodytes in the serene hope that the nobility in them, though buried under a colossal pile of ignoble inklings and intents, shall rise in splendid regality to meet my own.
Their Graces, Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K with the Earl of Fulton
aministering the Nobility Oath as the rabble looks on

Friday, November 26, 2010


A Poem by His Grace, Lord Westover, Obviously

In wondrous Nobility abiding no troglodyte my heart shall fear!
For safe is such confiding for no trog dares to venture here…
Their troglydarian storms shall roar without me
Their thoughts are so low and belayed
But Noble-life-ambition is my compass and can I be dismayed?

Their Graces, Lord Westover
and the mysterious Lady K 
at home, obviously

Where ever this Noble compass shall guide me, no wantonness shall turn me back!
My noble life guides (Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K, obviously) are beside me and nothing can I lack.
Their wisdom is ever awake—and their sight is never dim!
They know the path they take and it is like a glorious noble hymn!  

Vast noble estates lay before me which yet I have not seen!
Bright ideas and joyous experience rule over me where
darkest moribund and selfish thoughts have been…
My Noble hope I cannot measure!
Our paths in Life are free
Their Graces point out the treasure
And they shall walk with me!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ask a Lord – A New and Profound Day of Ponderance

Ask a Lord – A New and Profound Day of Ponderance
Westover [sic] – I am a real [sic] British lord of high noble birth and have recently found myself out of a job for simply speaking truth about the incessant whining of the middle class during these “hard” economic times. Poppycock! These troglodytes have never had it so good. Here, below, is my honest query:  How exactly does a nobleman explain to the masses the obvious without riling them into a rapid middle class frenzy?
A British Lord Wishing to Remain Anonymous
Trog, yes Lord Young, trog, for that is the only proper reference to one as insensitive and callous as you of a supposed “high noble birth” have revealed yourself to be in the above diatribe cloaked as an “honest query”.
“Incessant whining?” How revolting. Tis truly “nobles” like you, Young, who give all “real” nobles a self-indulged and garishly (and fabulously) tarnished reputation amongst the middle classes. You, sir, have obviously never taken the Nobility Oath for had you, you would have thought before tongue lashing the proletariat.
Perhaps my much discussed and examined rearing by Gypsies gives me a unique and noble insight into the special “trials and tribulations” of the masses. So, out of my deeply humble and immeasurable compassion and, yes, sincere adoration for humanity and the defense of all nobles (obviously) let me plainly point out why your statement which, precipitated your much deserved status within the unemployed, was profoundly ill-conceived in its misguided attempt at stiff-upper-lipnist.
Firstly, one must understand the psychology of the lower classes. Simply put, they live for the moment; the transient thrill; the “Sha la la live for the day” melody of their odd universe and cannot, for reasons I have yet to quite understand, refuse to see, like stubborn mules, the glorious possibilities which lay before them. Or like hogs before a gloriously appointed thanksgiving table they do consume but at what a cost to the fine china, crystal and Limoges!  I write these harsh sentiments not as cruel jests upon their abhorrent frivolity but as a genuine gesture of sympathy and sincere longing to free them of their aborted life efforts.
To save for a better future, or encourage their issue to improve upon their sordid lot, is inconceivable to this happy throng of colorful dancers, tambourine tapping temptresses and clever “sell a bottle of doctor good” entrepreneurs.  But, Young, we must see the world for what it is, working within its strange and often warped parameters, and hope and encourage for a better realization of how we would like it to be.  
Hence the profundity of the Nobility Oath and all the weightiness it entails.  So, in the spirit of the American holiday known as Thanksgiving let us nobles introduce a new and more profound day of contemplation. We shall henceforth call this day before Thanksgiving “Forgive a Trog Day” with all that implies. LW  

Their Graces gather in the woods for
the first Forgive a Trog Day

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Incredible photos of their Graces!

Their Graces, Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K,
take a reprieve whilst visiting the Great Wall in China.

Their Graces, Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K, attempt in vain to
administer the Nobility Oath to the American president.

Take the Nobility Oath!

The Nobility Oath
I swear by the nature of all things noble to be noble in all my ways of mannerism and interaction with other nobles and, yes, the masses too--obviously. Furthermore, I vow to have the majesty of my nobleness presented to all troglodytes in the serene hope that the nobility in them, though buried under a colossal pile of ignoble inklings and intents, shall rise in splendid regality to meet my own.
                                             Their Graces administering the Nobility Oath

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

See photos of their Graces administering the Nobility Oath!

Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K in photos at the Jon Stewart Rally in the American capital. Afterwards their Graces host a gathering of friends including Count Dracula (a true nobleman despite his strange choice of drink!) See it all: