Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lord Westover and Lady K in music video!

Their Graces at the Jon Steward "rally" in the American capital. Lord Westover and the mysterious Lady K were in town to administer the Nobility Oath.
I just made a video at Animoto!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Revealed: schedule for 'Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear' -

Lord Westover's and Lady K's mission to administer the Nobility Oath at Jon Stewart rally in DC mentioned in the Christian Science Monitor!

Revealed: schedule for 'Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear' - "The Christian Science Monitor -
Vox News
Revealed: schedule for 'Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear'
Comedy Central has provided no details about the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert 'Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.' But the park service permit lays out the schedule minute-by-minute."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ask a Lord: The Two Headed Fanged Serpent of the Ignoble

Your Highness [sic]: I’m just a plain Jane type [obviously] who wants to be noble in all I say and do—just like your oath says! Anyways [sic] Sometimes I find it real easy to do (be noble and all) but most of the time I find myself sitting in front of the TV watching some reality show where, for the most part, people don’t treat each other very nobly.  It really bums me out [sic] and all I want to do is sit there and watch more. So, your Highness, what can I do to be nobler!
Despertly wanting to be noble.
Trog – To be noble is to simply identify and avoid the traits in you and others that are most associated with trogdom. And what are these vile traits you may ask? Boiled down to their core, they are apathy and stupidity.  The two headed fanged serpent of the ignoble.  
But fret not, much research has been conducted in noble circles to quickly isolate and destroy these characteristics in trogs. You may be familiar with the early research of Lord Smartingall who, in the late nineteenth century, conducted medical experiments on female dogs who incessantly chased their tails. After a great while, and much dizziness, the misguided canines would cease this stupidity, lie on the floor (in a type of trog-like contemplative apathy) then take up their whirling dervish ways with abandon.  

Even the mysterious Lady K admits to having suffered from SBS
This chasing tails syndrome you may know as SBS or Stupid Bitch Syndrome. And, I am sorry to say, but from your letter, you are, dare I say, the poster bitch of this vicious spiral of lifelong apathy and stupidity.
Simply put, stupid bitch trog, stop the tail chasing. Instead of watching “The Real Housewives” why not catch an opera or rent an English countryside period piece film. You will soon find the “housewives” to be Whores of Trogdom and not worth your noble time or energy. LW

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Lord Westover Nobility Oath

I [your name] vow to have the majesty of my nobleness presented to all troglodytes in the serene hope that the nobility in them, though buried under a colossal pile of ignoble inklings and intents, shall rise in splendid regality to meet my own. 

His Grace, Lord Westover