Friday, April 26, 2019

Is a "Stunning" Abstract Portrait of Lord Westover to be Unveiled at the Louvre?

The Vast Estate - Rumors that the Louvre Museum in Paris plans to replace the Mona Lisa with a new abstract portrait of His Grace, Lord Westover, have been swirling in Noble circles for weeks. Indeed, as in all things, there is a modicum of truth...or not...obviously.

No, the famed Paris museum and its da Vinci will not be moved, however, new rumors are suggesting that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, plans to replace the official portrait of King George III in Buckingham Palace with the portrait of His Grace in caulk gleefully referred to has the "O, Lordie" by art aficionados.

His Lordship (and even manservant for that matter) could not be reached for comment...obviously.

The "O, Lordie" by courtier Lady Mary Horning

Monday, April 1, 2019

NEWS FLASH!!! Lord Westover Announces Run for the American Presidency

Campaign Slogan to Read: Make America a Monarchy…Again

The Vast Estate (Obviously) - In a turn of political events that is certain to stun Nobles and rattle Trogs all over the world, His Grace, Lord Westover, has officially announced his candidacy for President of the United States.

His Grace, Lord Westover, is accosted by media upon his
announcement to run for the American Presidency. (FNN Photo.)
The nobleman is not certain of his place of birth -- as when an infant he was kidnapped by a traveling carnival family -- thusly, having no official birth certificate, Lord Westover is neither an American nor a citizen of any other nation.

His Grace, Lord Westover. Obviously.
(FNN Photo)
“This noble 'nowhere land' puts His Lordship in a unique position to claim the American Constitution as a fraud on a technicality and become absolute monarch,” states Lord Westover’s Man of Legal Matters.

When asked which political party His Lordship would seek the nomination under, his Man of Legal Matters smirked then said, “Really, now... Don’t you think the Reigning House of Westover is enough?”

Asked about his “party” platform Man of Legal Matters quipped, “A platform strong enough to hold a very heavy gold and velvet throne…obviously.”

His Grace plans to issue a series of royal edicts over the following months which will clearly spell out who will bow and who will grovel before his presence. Additionally, secondary noble houses will be clarified.

The one certainty known at press time is that Manservant to His Grace will take the title of First Manservant…obviously.